N'ahgi Moshroca

Scholar, student, generally anxious guy

who is this guy?

N'ahgi Moshroca

  • age: 21 (16th sun of the 4th astral moon)

  • Birthplace: Old Sharlayan

  • race: miqo'te (seeker+keeper)

  • gender: male (he/him)

  • height: 5'3"

  • orientation: too busy to think about that (bisexual)

  • occupation: student, healer, freelance researcher, full-time nym otaku

  • image color: olive green

  • voice claim: Natsuki Hanae

Polite. Cordial. Respectful.
All adjectives others would use to describe N’ahgi—if he tried to keep up appearances, that is. Though he puts on an aloof façade on the surface, he can't help but wear his heart on his sleeve and say what's on his mind even, if it may get him in trouble.
Despite his seeming carelessness with his words, he's a compassionate and curious healer—eager to know all there is about the unknown in hopes of helping others in their struggles on this tumultuous and unforgiving star.

An ashen-haired miqo'te with a rather pallid appearance and lithe a build. Many come to the assumption that he's sickly, but the truth is that he doesn't go outside nearly as much as he should.Lidded, salmon-colored eyes make it clear he hasn't slept well in some time thanks to a poor habit of drinking and reading well into the night.He insists he's "of average height" for a male miqo'te.



Born in the isles of Old Sharlayan and raised in Limsa Lominsa, N’ahgi is the only child to a couple with differing backgrounds. His mother, a keeper from Gridania and retired actress—and his father, a Sharlayan seeker, Studium alumnus, and battle tactician with a background in history and archaeology.As a child, N’ahgi’s father would take him along on expeditions (against the concerns of his mother), and lectures of the sort, kindling N’ahgi’s intense interest in history and archaeology. Thanks to its proximity to Limsa Lominsa, Nym and the area surrounding Outer La Noscea would be a common destination for him and his father, regardless of the dangers that were present. Fascinated by its downfall and the mysteries that surrounded it, Nym would become a source of obsession for N’ahgi, leading to him writing several papers about the subject; all varying in levels of import and absurdity.He would follow in his father’s footsteps and attend the Studium in Old Sharlayan as he approached adulthood with a focus on ancient history, healing, and aetherology. Although his academic prowess would earn him respect amongst his peers and faculty, his “uncouth” personality, vocal opposition towards the Forum and the Bibliothecs, and loud criticism of Sharlayan policy would earn him a bit of a reputation—and a negative one at that. Although his "Lominsian charm" as some would call it wouldn’t sully his reputation to a fault, it would cause him to become more cautious of his behavior, especially if he wanted to continue his studies in Old Sharlayan peacefully.


  • He's a skilled and dedicated healer. If you need a conjurer or academician, he's more than willing to assist you.

  • At times you may see a poroggo trailing behind him, but it doesn't look like the two of them get along very well...

  • N'ahgi is currently attempting to unionize the poroggos. He finds it cruel and existentially frightening to thrust common frogs with the gift of knowledge only to make them do petty errands and steep tea. It's unclear if his efforts have been fruitful.

  • He's known as a bit of a troublemaker amongst the studium student body due to his disrespect for authority and loud stance against Sharlayan's isolationist policies and the Bibliothecs.

  • As an historian, he has a love for all things old and covered in dirt, but out of all of them, Nym has a special place in his heart—but it's recommended you not bring the topic up around him. It's for the best...

  • Despite his build, N'ahgi is a bit of a fighting enthusiast. Perhaps you've seen him at one of the many fight clubs scattered throughout Eorzea? Or maybe you've seen him get pulverized at one of them? (hopefully, it's not the latter)




**anything drawn here is just my own art unless mentioned otherwise


hi hello. thanks for reading my stupid bullshit!!
Please do not refer to me.
i'm just some guy that likes to write.
that's all you need to know.

  • Please be 21+ OOC if you're going to interact with me. I'm fine with interacting with characters that are 18+, but anything lower I'm not comfortable with. Sorry!

  • I'm fine with darker/mature rp. I realize the initial impression of my writing is that I like to write funny stuff (which is true), but I'm more than capable of writing stuff that's not comedy-focused. but i do love slap stick. i do like a three stooges type beat. i do love a good giggle. i do love a good *honk honk boioioioing skeleton rattle howie scream *

  • i'm okay with lore bending. i personally try to stick with whats given, but a good story matters more to me.

  • IC≠OOC. this should be a given, but just a reminder and I take this very seriously. Any interaction we have or thing that n'ahgi says in-character does not reflect how i feel or think about you as a person. I am not him and he is not me.

  • with that said, communication is key for a happy healthy rp life! so please communicate with me there is an issue.

  • dont ask me for any codes immediately like i dont know who half the people on my list. i have to underline this because i know most people just let their eyes glaze over it. but just use your imagination. it's okay. i promise it wont hurt. i believe in you.

  • Also just don't be an asshole/racist/bigoted/weird lmao. JUST BE NORMAL!!!!! aaaah!!! aaaah!!! aaaah!!!



secret page! wow wow wow! this is just stuff I didn't want to put anywhere because I like my stuff to be succinct and legible. whatever I'm just going crazy here.

alcohol, nym, doman mahjong, used books, nym, cooking, marbled beef, nym

sweets, gero roggo, the skin that develops on soups when you leave it out for too long, gero roggo, hot weather, mhach researchers, gero roggo

misc trivia i cant fit anywhere

  • The earring on his left ear is one half of a pair, with the other belonging to his mother.

  • he has dual citizenship for La Noscea and Old Sharlayan. He very much prefers the former.

  • gero roggo, the porogo that reluctantly trails behind n'ahgi, is not his--but his father's familiar. his mother insisted that he go with n'ahgi while attending the Studium to make sure he "behaved". his father opposed the idea but he's not one to go against his wife's word.

  • he's terrible at saving his money, wasting it all importing expensive alcohol and ingredients as well as rare and old books. what he has left over he always thinks he can recoup through betting on fights and playing mahjong, but luck never seems to be on his side.

  • he keeps several "good luck" charms and trinkets in his satchels and pockets. he'll occasionally switch them out, throw, or burn them when he feels that they've "abandoned" him.

  • Don't call him "ahgi". That's what his mother calls him. it's embarrassing

  • he feels some discomfort when people ask if he's from the 'N' tribe due to having no knowledge or relation to tribal miqo'te culture. it's more of a family tradition from his father's side that's been held over for several generations so they don't forget their roots.

  • he's named after his great grandfather, one of many in a long line of sharlayan scholars.

  • he won't remember your name. don't worry, it's not your fault. it's entirely on him.

  • he's a decent artist, but he refuses to bring it up or show anyone his work. the most he'll utilize his skills for the public to see is posters related to his porogo unionization efforts.

  • he loves yuri but hes normal about it

i think his theme would be "Dare mo Inai E De" by isekaijoucho or "lilac slumber" by Annabel. maybe "ajabollamente" by Shohei Amimori? I don't know but either way i get viciously embarrassed when i think about themes so let's forget about that.